Achieving Perfect Plastic Parts: 4 Steps to Consider

Achieving Perfect Plastic Parts: 4 Steps to Consider

In the plastic injection molding industry, the quality of plastic parts is paramount. Plastics can be precisely molded, but many companies end up with flawed parts because they get one contractor to construct the mold and another to use the mold to create the parts. As a result, quality is often compromised. Companies can now achieve the perfect plastic parts by taking into consideration the following four steps.

1. Designing the Mold

If the mold is not perfect, the resultant plastic parts will not be perfect. Hence, when endeavoring to achieve perfect plastic parts, pay special attention to the design of the mold. This requires the expertise of proficient and skilled design engineers who can inspect and analyze the design at the drawing stage and ensure it is optimized to perform seamlessly during production and injection mold design. It needs to meet the highest quality standards laid down by the industry.

2. Choosing the Resin

It is imperative that you choose the right raw material to make the plastic part. Thanks to the advances and technology in the field of polymer science, companies have a wide choice between plastics and resins. You can choose the right resin based on the application of the plastic part. This necessitates working with a qualified, knowledgeable and skilled injection molder, who can identify the right resin for building the plastic part. Make sure the molder knows which resins are compliant with the rules and regulations laid down by the United States FDA and other bodies, including NSF and RoHS.

3. Building and Testing the Mold

As stated previously, mold design is crucial, as it will determine how the part is made. So, before actual production begins, it is necessary to build single cavity pre-production molds using state-of-the-art technology and tools. Today, the best plastic injection molding companies use an array of tools and 3D software to come up with pre-production molds. These molds are then tested using an array of plastics to check for flaws or to correct the design. This ensures when the production begins in earnest, the molds perform optimally. Testing pre-production molds also offer a precise picture of the finish and coloration of the end product. This also is the stage where the molds are inspected for quality; and are checked, so that they adhere to the client’s specifications and expectations.

If the pre-production molds pass all the eligibility criteria, the process to create production mold begins.

4. Producing Sample Plastic Parts

Once the pre-production molds perform as per expectation, the process to create multi-cavity molds for actual production begins. During this stage, a complete cycle of samples are manufactured using the specifications determined by the client. These sample plastic parts are then inspected by the client and any suggested change is incorporated. Once the client gives the go-ahead, production begins. Throughout the production process, each part is minutely checked to ensure high quality.

If these four steps are followed diligently, a plastic injection molding company can use plastics and other resins to come up with flawless plastic parts every time and ensure superior quality and on-time delivery.
