Why U.S. Manufacturing Is On the Rise

Why U.S. Manufacturing Is On the Rise

Why U.S. Manufacturing Is On the Rise Manufacturing trends in the United States look very promising. In the last few months, the manufacturing sector in the country has seen a higher growth than what the sector experienced in the last couple of years. This truly is an optimistic sign, as it is an indication the U.S. manufacturing is once again on the rise. There is hope the country’s economic recovery is around the corner. But what are the reasons for the sudden rise? (more…)

Discussing the Design for Manufacturability

Discussing the Design for Manufacturability

Getting together with your injection molding team during the earliest design stages to discuss design for manufacturability (DFM) is an important practice, points out a great article from Kaysun Corporation. The up-front collaboration not only makes you a part of the process, but it can be a great way to help the environment. 

“We all have a stake in doing whatever we can to protect our natural resources, water, and air. That’s why it is important for manufacturers to be proactive in reducing their consumption of natural resources, production of non-recyclable waste, and carbon footprint—which DFM helps us achieve.”

Up-front collaboration to discuss design for manufacturability simply puts more minds together during the injection molding process to create the best way to manufacture something.

Read the full article, “Up-Front Collaboration Helps the Environment, Too”.


Molding Complex Parts

Ever wonder what it takes to mold complex parts? Well, that’s the topic that Ken Glassen covers in one of his most recent injection molding blog posts. There’s no doubt that the higher the complexity, the higher the skill-level required from the injection molder, but the environment plays a key role in the molding. From the facility’s air flow to the level of equipment and automation tools, every factor counts when the part is complex. “Maintaining a stable, injection molding climate reduces the environmental impacts that fluctuating temperature can have on operations.”

Read the full article HERE.

It’s Important To Know Your Toolmaker. Here’s Why…

“Success in the injection molding business isn’t just about having the right equipment or the latest technologies,” says Ken Glassen of Kaysun Corporation. Of course, equipment and technology is a good place to start, but to completely meet the growing needs of clients who make complex products under challenging time and cost constraints, injection molders must have top tool makers in their supply chains that embrace the same vision of manufacturing excellence and customer service as they do. 

Take a look at the rest of the article HERE and read about the necessary partnership between the tool makers and the injection molders and why that’s so important.

Why You Should Re-shore Your Plastic Injection Molding

The injection molding industry is extremely competitive because of the need to respond quickly to a customer’s requests while keeping production costs low. Unfortunately, both are not always possible, and that’s why many manufacturers have been opting for off-shoring in order to cut production costs. However, the recent trends show manufacturing companies are now looking to re-shore their plastic injection molding manufacturing, and they have very good reasons for doing so. (more…)

12 Practical Tips for Manufacturing Safety

12 Practical Tips for Manufacturing Safety

12 Practical Tips for Manufacturing Safety

Plant Engineering’s blog article, Manufacturing Safety: 12 Practical Strategies, has some great information and reminders that anyone in the manufacturing industry could benefit from taking a few minutes to read.

Planning for safety is crucial to protecting your workers and facilities from accidents and mishaps. Taking steps now to ensure your workers are safe from injury protects yourself from liability.

See the full article of 12 safety tips HERE