Injection Mold Tooling – Dealing with Lifters

There are many variables and impacts that lifters can have on your molding process and final parts.  Randy Kerkstra recently published an article at the Plastics Technology site ( that went into more detail on lifters and was a continuation of his previous post.

The level of detail and real world examples he used is nothing short of amazing.  He covered topics ranging from rib details in the lifter and cavity and their required size to lifter pre-load or timing to spotting and fitting the lifters.

Another topic that Randy addressed is the type of hardening and coatings required or recommended for lifters based on the application.  He also offers insight into how to work with and modify round lifter rods and even how to repair to square lifter shanks.

You can read the entire article here:–part-2

The Nanoplas family of products for the injection molding industry includes mold release coatings, mold maintenance products, cleaners, degreasers and lubricating greases.  To learn more about our products, contact us today.