The Designer’s Edge – Self Locking Cylinders from

Hydraulics and efficient molding go hand in hand.  In this recent article on, Randy explains when a self locking cylinder is an attractive and effective option.

The basic message is that a locking cylinder is a good option when there is not sufficient space for the required bore size.  This option helps prevent blow back via a mechanical lock on set position that will lock the hydraulic piston.

He also discusses how hydraulics can be used based on the moving and and non moving mold side needs based on part ejection requirements.  Although there are some risks involved in using hydraulics, it can often prove to be the best choice.  In some cases it is simply not an option depending on the part requirements and the overall finish required.

You can read the full article here: The Designer’s Edge – Self Locking Cylinders

The Nanoplas family of products include injection mold release coatings that can have a significant impact on the efficiency of the mold, even with proper hydraulics usage as outlined by Randy.  To learn more about how Nanoplas products can be a part of your success story, contact us today.