How To Reduce Costs in the Injection Molding Industry

Nano mold coatingThe world of injection molding has advanced substantially, and new approaches are being adopted continuously to reduce costs. Most of these approaches look to methods of lean manufacturing to save material, eliminate secondary processes and operations, and use smaller presses.

Here are some more tips to reduce cost in the injection molding industry.

External Gas Molding

Also, known as EGM, external gas molding was initially developed to remove sink marks from the mold components. However, this technique can help reduce the weight as well as material cost by allowing the molder to mold thinner walls across the ribs. These thinner walls do not have any sink marks.

So, using gas-driven molding can actually help reduce costs. However, if you are using gas-assisted technology for molding components, it is necessary to design the component carefully. The engineers would have to change the order of the design sequence to ensure accuracy and precision of the part.

In this technique, gas is injected between the inner mold surface and the plastic resin, after the mold has been filled. The injected gas applied pressure on the resin and as it cools and shrinks, the resin is pushed against the opposite surface of the mold.

In-Mold UV Painting

This technology has been developed by a Danish company and is a unique method. The method can be used for insert molding and multiple component molding. It uses the stack molding process, wherein the center of the stack is divided into rotating core columns. The central motor indexes each column at 90 degrees, thereby giving the column four sides. This particular feature of the design ensures the stack mold is not just lighter, but also faster acting.

This technology manages to incorporate four different steps into a single cycle. These steps are injection molding, spray-painting the component, UV curing the sprayed paint and finally taking out and packaging the component. The technology can also be successful and can reduce costs if the molder develops a good paint delivery system and uses the right UV curing technology. Once these two processes are in place, they offer superior part performance. As the just molded part is painted, it ensures optimal bonding between the part and paint.

Better Equipment

In many cases, the equipment you use to make the molds is even more essential than the methods. Low quality or cheap equipment will not only produce lower quality molds, but will also lower productivity and increase down-time used for cleaning or repair.

That’s why Nano Mold Coating is the ideal choice for plastics and rubber processors in today’s competitive manufacturing environment. Our coatings dramatically increase production output, while reducing costs associated with manual part removal, costly mold release agents, part scrap, slow cycle times, and repetitive mold maintenance due to sticking problems. Find out more about our Nanotechnology HERE.

For more information about how you can reduce costs in the injection molding industry, please feel welcome to contact us.
