Warning! Trip Hazards Ahead

Warning! Trip Hazards Ahead

Statistics are high for injuries and deaths in the work place. Manufacturers need to be more cautious than most, and so this article from Daily Safety Advisor is an important read. Outlining the biggest hazards to recognize, this post is a sample of the worst that can happen, but it’s an effective reminder. Don’t let the common sense of these tips trick you — when the work picks up, it’s easy to forget any or all of them in the rush.

Just consider: “In one recent year, more than 800 American workers fell to their deaths. On average, falls account for about 15 percent of all occupational fatalities, second only to motor vehicle accidents.”

Read the full article HERE


The Resiliency of Manufacturing

“Despite the economic crunch facing the nation’s domestic manufacturers, a number of operators have managed to survive and flourish in tough conditions.” 

Here is a great article from Dynamic Business that outlines just how some manufacturing companies are keeping their heads above water despite hard times. Adaptability and resiliency are two qualities of note. But the real force behind some company’s success? …Specialization.

The key is to be the only one in your market who specializes in a certain aspect of manufacturing because there are always markets out there.